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Baby with glasses raising eyebrows Smart Homes Smarter Security Systems

Smart Homes Need Smarter Security Systems

Is My Home Safe Enough? The 6 Biggest Security Flaws You Probably Didn’t See – Until Now

Let’s shed some light on the difference between a great security system and a not-so-great one. If the safety of your home and loved ones is a concern, smarter home security systems with airtight security measures in place can make a world of difference in your peace of mind. But there’s a problem. The wrong people (advertisers) are determining the narrative, leaving the general public with a false sense of security and a legacy of vulnerability. Don’t be lured in by propaganda and hearsay advice, help me fight for the truth by sharing the right message.  

#1 If Your Signal’s Not Safe, You’re a Sitting Duck

Cable: What a great idea ~ pay a few dollars more and lease security equipment too. When a cable’s hanging out on the side of the house and your call center’s in a third world country, why not add the sign: Welcome Burglars! Cut Here. 

Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi signals can drop you faster than a bad Tinder date. They’re easily disrupted, (especially when plugged in.) If you’ve got cellular backup, that’s better, but paying extra for a budget system to pretend it’s a pro is like slapping a racing stripe on a tricycle and calling it a sports car. 

Cellular: Make sure you find out which mobile network is being used if you sign up with company that has a cell connection, because not all cell service is worth its salt. People pay more for large networks for their strong and consistent connection. When you’re paying less for a monthly subscription, it’s likely there’s a hidden cutback, compromising the reliability of your lifeline.

Landline: If your system still taps into a telephone line, it’s too old. The FCC agrees, that’s why landlines are being phased out. Much like pagers, boom boxes and VCRs have now become obsolete. Admittedly, I still have some pretty awesome cassette tapes…but I don’t think Stayin Alive was meant to be taken literally in an emergency situation. 

With so many not-so-smart options out there, it’s time we set the record straight. Smarter home security systems need to have a much better connection to emergency services and…(dare I say it?) professional monitoring. I know y’all hate me now—you’re trying to avoid signing a contract, but not all contracts are bad. Just like not all witches are bad ~ what if you’re passing up Glinda? Take a tip from Dorothy, knowing your loved ones are safe during an extreme weather event, like a tornado, might be a good thing.

#2 Cameras Don’t Stop People, They Just Record

Let’s say you’re out and about and you happen to see a notification on your phone—someone suspicious is approaching your home. Uh-oh, what do you do, besides panic? There’s nothing you can do, because it’s already too late. Security cameras are great for keeping eyeballs on your property, for sure. They also provide evidence for insurance companies, but they don’t stop the crime. That’s why you shouldn’t rely on them for security. And signal jamming takes it to a whole new level, not to mention hackers

Imagine being 16 years old, waking up in the middle of the night to a shadowy figure standing over your bed. This happened in Hilton Head, a not so shabby neighborhood. After calling the police, they reviewed surveillance footage from inside the home—he’d been in the house multiple times. Please, for the love of Pete, protect yourself with more than a camera. Criminals are smart, our security systems need to be smarter.  

#3 Dogs Aren’t Security, they Can’t Call for Help

Your dog is your best friend, your fuzzy child, your family. They need protection, just as much as you. This reminds me of the one time somebody actually SLAMMED a door in my face. Boy, was that lady mad. I was training a new hire. It was Sam’s first day in the field, and this was our first appointment. Way to start off with a bang! The homeowner’s front door was open when we arrived, so I knocked on the screen door, and we waited. After a minute or two, I knocked a little louder, and we waited some more. We tried talking loudly. We tried yelling, “Hello!” We even tried walking around a bit, to see if anyone was outside.

Finally, an elderly woman walked through the room, stopping when she saw us. Maybe she was hard of hearing? As I introduced myself, and she cut me off mid sentence: “We don’t need security, we’ve got dogs.” Before I could stop myself, I started laughing at the two little yippy dogs circling her ankles. “We’ve been standing here for 10 minutes, where were they?” BAM. I guess I’d insulted her dogs’ reputation. 

As much as we love our furry friends, they’re not the smartest security measure against skilled intruders. And terrible things can happen when they’re left alone. 40,000 pets burn up every year trapped in house fires, that’s one every 15 minutes. Keep them safe!

#4 Cheap Equipment Isn’t Worth the Cost

Cheaper options might seem like a good way to save money, but you’re taking a significant risk. The cost of cutting corners shows up in big ways when they fail you in a critical moment. There’s a reason why I share stories with tragic endings. No one wants to look back with regret, wishing they’d made a different choice when they had the chance. In my experience, people don’t just wake up one day and decide they need a better security system, something scary has to happen. Let these stories be your evidence. You’ll continue to pay for cheap equipment over and over again when it breaks or becomes discontinued. If you invest wisely, you could have a much smarter security system that saves you more in the long run. I know, it’s easy to get caught up in the numbers, but at what point does saving a few bucks become more important than your family’s safety? 

#5 Guns Go Both Ways

I’ve had the privilege to protect many of our military families. If you are military, thank you for your service. No doubt, you know how to protect. But for the people with guns saying: “We don’t need a security system,” it’s like saying we don’t need the military. Our military is our nation’s security system, right? I once met the son of a woman in her 80’s; he told me she lives alone and sleeps with a gun under her pillow. It’s sad, but not surprising. An actual security system could alert her ahead of time, as well as the police. 

I also met a young marine who immediately took offense when I offered him a security system. With a pregnant wife and 3 little kids, he insisted he had it under control. I’ve never seen a more impressive array of live streaming cameras, I don’t think the man slept. I backed off quickly, there was no changing his mind. As I turned to leave, I couldn’t help but notice his left hand. It was heavily bandaged, like he’d just come from the hospital. When I asked him what happened, he said: “Three guys tried to break into my truck last night.” His wife nodded. “Three bullets, right through his hand.” 

I’m not saying I’m right, I’m just offering some perspective. I would have given that family a state-of-the-art security system, but he didn’t want it. You’re paying either way. 

#6 If You’re at Home Your Risk is Higher

Think about what you might do if you were at home and someone with bad intentions was inside your house. It happened to me, and I will never be the same. It never occurred to me I could be in danger, until suddenly I was. Most break-ins occur in the middle of the day. Criminals don’t like getting caught, so they pop in when they think you’re at work. That’s not good if you work from home. Here’s my story… 

In my younger days I was a singer, traveling from theater to theater;—new venues, new people, new shows. Not a worry in the world because my life was musical, and there was always a happy ending. One afternoon, I decided to take a nap before the show. The room was dark when I woke up ~ a man had opened my bedroom door. He started rifling through my dresser drawers, unaware I was only a few feet away. Just imagine. 

According to the Department of Justice, 38% of assaults and 60% of rapes occur during a home invasion. Stupidly, I asked: “Can I help you?” I mean seriously, what do you say? Lucky for me, he bolted. Maybe you lock your doors when you’re at home. That’s great, but have you heard of lock bumping? Doors with open/close sensors are the key to your safety. (A little pun to lighten the mood after I’ve just scared you to death.)


Glad You Stopped By

I hope this leaves you with the feeling that you’re in the right place. The fact that you’ve asked that question means you’ve separated yourself from from the herd mentality that’s following the crowd without considering the evidence. Thank you for being here, it’s an honor to serve you.

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